Happy Lief Erikson Day!

Happy Lief Erikson Day, guys!
I didn’t forget!
(Actually I did, but I was reminded.)

Lief Erikson Day!!!

Lief Erikson Day is this Thursday, October 9th!

I know I missed it last year, but I’ll try not to this year!

I’ve been quite reclusive lately . . .

I have, and I’m really sorry!!!

This summer, I would get preoccupied on other things. But I’m not naming anything.

cough, cough, pinterest, cough!

And then for the past week, I’ve been visiting family in Ohio and West Virginia. And I had A LOT of fun!!! In West Virginia, we went to a coal mine and I got wet from all the drippy-ness. But it was tons of fun and would recommend it to anybody visiting Southern West Virginia.

Then we went to Tamarack, which is this huge building displaying all the things that are made in West Virginia. I got this really cool pencil that was carved into a rooster!!! I would also recommend visiting this amazing place.

And at one point while we were there at Tamarack, I overhear this conversation a lady’s having on the phone. She must be traveling and just stopped there, because this is what she said.

“Yeah, we’re at a rest stop. It’s like the biggest rest stop in all of West Virginia.”

I started laughing at that comment. I can’t even believe that she considered it to be a rest stop!

Well, I think that’s all for now, but I’ll hopefully be back soon talking about SpongeBob!!!

SpongeBob SquarePants The Movie . . .2!!!

I just found out today (courtesy of spongebob-fanclub.com) that there will be a SECOND SPONGEBOB MOVIE!!! IN 3D!!!
It comes out on Nickelodeon on February 13, 2015.
You better get “ready”. Because SpongeBob already is!!!

Happy Easter

I hope that you take advantage of all the goodies Easter has to offer!!!

The Liebster Award!!!

liebster award

First of all, I need to thank ZooBoo at I Prefer Deep Blues and Sea Foam Greens for nominating ME, of all people, for the Liebster Award. According to her post, there are a few rules to this whole “award thing”, so let’s get started.


  1. Thank the AMAZING blogger who nominated you.  –  check
  2. Answer the 11 questions that they’ve asked.
  3. Nominate 11 other blogs (with less than 500 followers).
  4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer.  –  nominees looks funny when spelled out
  5. Let your nominees  –  there it is again  –  know that you’ve chosen them with a comment.


My questions from ZooBoo to answer


Do you like milkshakes – or SMOOTHIES?

Since I’ve never actually had a smoothie  –  One sip from a friend’s doesn’t count, anyway. I made a face afterwards because I hated it.  –  I would have to go with milkshakes. I’m fine with anything except strawberry, but my personal favorite it the Butterfinger Milkshake from Sonic  –  20 cents less than the Butterfinger Blast and it’s only a little thinner. That’s the only type of ice-cream I get when I’m there, too. Gotta stay consistent.

If we could ever meet, what would you like to discuss?

To tell you the truth, I would just want to spend the day with you; take a walk in the life of a Fairy Princess such as yourself. Your posts about your personal life seem so interesting at times  –  I never knew that they had badminton teams before you  –  and I’d love to have a mathematical conversation with you (the other day was great).

What kind of shoes do you like to wear?

Chuck Taylor Converse All Stars. That’s pretty much all I wear unless I’m doing something that involve alot of walking, then I wear my Nikes. I have 4 pairs, each of a different hue. Purple-ish maroon low-tops, black One-Star high-tops, light blue denim high-tops, and gray high-tops that fold down to show pink and purple fabric. (The last pair is good for keeping money in. You just stick it in between the folds of fabric.

Do you wear a watch? If so – right/left wrist? (I’m right handed, but I still wear it on my right wrist.)

Well, the last time I wore a watch was in the 2nd grade, when I was too young to understand why my mother would look at me funny when she saw that it was on my right wrist. (I am also right-handed.) But if I were to wear a watch today, I would still wear it on my right wrist.

Ever canoed? I ask this question because the word “canoed” is rather amusing to say aloud. Canoed . . . Canoed. That’s a word, right?

I have canoed twice. Once at a summer camp, and once at this stream somewhere a couple of years ago. I did pretty well, too. (I consider “pretty well” not tipping it over.)

Ketchup or mayonnaise?

Both. Neither. It depends. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and hotdogs = BOTH. bratwurst = NEITHER. Perfect just the way it is . YUM.

Favorite pudding? (Mine’s banoffee pie. Anyone else?)

I don’t always eat pudding, but when I do, I eat the JELLO chocolate/vanilla mixture. (HA!!! I made a funny!!!) I won’t touch any other brand or flavor because they just don’t compare.

What’s your favorite quality in a person? Note, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a partner or anything romantic, could be a friend, for example. It’s up to you.

My favorite quality in a friend would have to be . . . the ability to make me laugh. Even if I don’t exactly like a person, I’ll smile and listen to whatever they’re saying the best I can. I be as nice as possible. But if you’re able to make me laugh for real, you can tell. It could last 30 seconds or it could last and hour. My eyes will crinkle up to the point where I can’t see and I might fall out of my chair. I’ve realized that  my entire day’s mood is partially dependent of how many times I really laugh throughout it. So if you can make me laugh, you’ve have made my day just a wee bit, if not a whole lot, better.

What songs are you listening to at the moment/as of late?

  • One Republic  –  Counting Stars
  • Phillip Phillips  – Gone, Gone, Gone 
  • Bastille  –  Pompeii
  • YES  –  Leave It (I LOVE the harmonizing)
  • Imagine Dragons  –  On Top Of The World (seriously, the only words I know are “I’m on top of the world AAYYY!!!)
  • Imagine Dragons  –  Radioactive (I LOVE the music video)
  • Idina Menzel  –  Let It Go (I’v seen Frozen 3 times now)
  • Any 70s and 80s rock songs. I love the Beatles.

Eggs? Sunny-side up? Scrambled? Boiled? Or nothing? (Not as in you just shove a raw egg into your mouth and gobble it up just like that, but likt, you don’t eat eggs. Because the egg shels wouldn’t taste that nice, right? OK. I’LL END THIS HERE BECAUSE I’M MAKING IT MORE AWKWARD.)

Scrambled. ALWAYS. With a wee bit o’ cheese mixed in there just to mix it up.

SOCKS. I leave you with that word; do something with it. Tell me something to do with socks. It’s up to you!

  • I used to only own long white socks because I didn’t understand the point of mis-matched, colorful, ankle-socks.
  • I now understand the joy of colorful ankle-socks, but have never worn them mis-matched-ly. NO!!!
  • All of my colorful ankle-socks are SpongeBob related  –  duh  –  except for 2 pairs; those two are Pink Panther.
  • My friend once made sock puppets for a school project and let me keep one.
  • I took the googly-eyes off of said sock puppet and made a paper bag puppet to look like my non-imaginary friend Howard the Dragon. (HA!!! I just realized something funny. Imagine Dragons.)
  • I don’t get rid of my socks until they are uncomfortable to wear anymore. (Yesterday was the first time I have EVER thrown away a SpongeBob sock. And that was only because my heel was falling out of it.)


My questions for the nominees

  1. What is your favorite SpongeBob episode? (Like you didn’t see it coming?)
  2. What is your most prized possession? Why?
  3. Do you play an instrument? What do you play?
  4. What is your most vivid memory from your childhood?
  5. Do you own any pets? What are they? What are their names?
  6. What movies have you watched lately? Are their any that I might enjoy?
  7. Are you considered to be short, tall, or just the right hight for your age?
  8. Who’s the better host of The Price is Right? Bob Barker or Drew Carey? (Don’t you DARE say Drew Carey!!!)
  9. Coke or Pepsi? (The obvious question!) Please explain.
  10. If able to, would you travel back in time or iton the future? Where would you go? What would you do?
  11. If I were to meet you in person, would you be able to make me laugh? Would you even try to make me laugh? Would you tell a joke, or would you do something else?


My Nominees (there it is AGAIN!)

The Animation Files


The Lonely Lion

Coolio   What the hay! She can be nominated twice. I think.

Lovely Lazarilla

Aaralyn   Seems nice, just starting and all.

Well . . . I got through 6. I don’t follow many people, so I didn’t have many to choose from. I’m sorry for not having 5 more.

I had a yard sale

*envision Mr. Krabs*

Oooh look, here he is!!!

Oooh look, there he is!!!

Today from 7 o’clock AM to 3 o’clock PM, I held a yard sale. I had moved about 1 1/2 years ago, and had packed 4 1/2 boxes full of … STUFF … no better word for it … for a future yard sale (I’ve always wanted to have my very own) and I sold over half of it today. I made a *pretty penny*.

When I had set everything out and was just waiting for the salers at 7, I was starting to lose hope [I know, quite early, but I was feeling pessimistic (Oh, come on. wouldn’t you be, too. I was tired, cold and hungry. It was freezing outside, I hadn’t had my cinnamon roll yet, and really, who gets up at 6:20 in the morning on a SATURDAY?!?)] Whatever I didn’t sell, I was going to give it to Goodwill or a place like that, so I kept telling myself that if I didn’t sell anything and had to give it all away (I understand the joys in giving and enjoyed giving the things that didn’t sell, so I’m not trying to sound greedy-like. It’s just that I had SO MUCH STUFF, that there was alot of money put into those things.) , that I would cry. The first couple vehicles that came around were just looking for furniture, so they didn’t stop at mine. I’m using all of the furniture we own, so I can’t really sell it.

But when we had out first customer, they bought some jacks. AND I WASN’T EVEN OUT THERE!!! I was putting my new contacts in and a family member was watching the sale for me. Of course, the jacks were only 25 cents (why is there not a cent sign?) , but that’s what most of our things were. $0.25 , $0.50 , and $1.00. (I had alot of tiny items.) We did have higher priced items: my old stereo (I wore that thing out when I was younger), a karaoke machine (I tried it like thrice then grew bored), and Build-a-Bears (Everyone needs a Build-a-Bear with a little outfit and everything! We had the animals for $3.00 and the clothes were priced $1-$2.00. Obviously I don’t need one, I was trying to sell them. I didn’t sell all of them, but I couldn’t just give them away. NO.)

Towards the end of our time outside in the sun (I’m just glad it warmed up! I even got a wee sunburn atop my cheekbones and nose.) , a lady came up and started looking at the tables we had set out. On one, she spotted a SpongeBob Weekly Planner that I have tried to use many a time, but I’m not good at planning ahead unless it’s some kind of appointment or fixed time, but even then I forget to write it down. She was saying that her son loves SpongeBob but that he would never use something like that. (She wished he did, though!) That’s when I told her that I was a huge SpongeBob fan, and that the planner was DEFINITELY the only SpongeBob item in the ENTIRE yard sale, because all of my other stuff was in my house. (I was sooo tempted to show her my SpongeBob backpack, but told myself that she wouldn’t have really cared. It was her son, after all, who liked SpongeBob.)

 I wasn’t able to find a photo of the planner besides on ebay, and it won’t let me save it to the computer. So here’s a link to it.


Well, all in all, I had a great day today. By 11 o’clock , I had earned about $50.00. By 3 o’clock , I had twice that.

By the end of the day, I had a grand total of $108.42

GO ME!!!

I was freaking out for a minute, there

So, today I was talking to a friend (ish person)  and we got on the subject of SpongeBob. It’s not that hard with me being in a conversation.
All of a sudden, he tells me, “Hey. You know that the voice of SpongeBob is dead, right? ”  And I just stare at him with a look of disbelief.
My first thought was, “Dude. If you don’t even know the actor’s name, how am I to take your word that he’s dead. That’s just not how it works. No.
My second thought was, “Wait. Why am I almost trusting you anyway? We barely ever have a full conversation (I admit that this is my fault, but I don’t usually like talking to random people.) .
So when I got home, I did what any sane peraon in need of answers would do.
I Googled it.
Turns out it was all just some hoax that started on Twitter  – go figure –   saying he died of cancer on Sunday. Thanks alot Twitter.
You almost ruined my life.


I just wanted to wish Coolio a very happy birthday!!!!!!!

Happy Valentines Day!

Hope your Valentines Day is filled with candy!

P.S.   Sorry I haven’t been on in a while; I haven’t really felt like writing lately.

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